My photo gallery..:-)

Hey all,

Mind if I take you through my photo gallery and pamper you with pics specially hand-picked to please you..?

Be cautioned, My writings might seem comparatively worthless, because the pics are just awesome to my eyes.Shall we start…,

k…first one.

My day starts after enjoying the beauty of this lady ( I have a bad habit of calling everything beautiful as ladies!)..I fall in love with this lady like a crazy adolescent lover every time I wake up…

This woman happens to reside on the eastern side of my home, Should I explain the pain I suffer when Mr.early-morning-sun-ray embrace My green lady….:-(

(The mountain you see on the left corner, I call her the Everest of Tambaram!)

 How many of you are lucky enough to have a group of very sweet friends on every weekend with a passion to play cricket and a play ground where, I bet you can lay back and enjoy chatting for hours.. 


AAAHHH!!!!! I can be in this swimming pool like a hippopotamus for hours. I can’t swim though…:-(

Ever thought how it would be to disappear from office for an hour or two and go out for an unplanned drive…? particularly when the monsoon is at her awesome best.. 


A view from my bus when i travel to office (How many crores are you ready to swap this picture for?),

For this, I’ll let the picture do all the talking..

This place in Vandalur-Kelambakkam road.. 

Feeling hungry…? Would you like to have some paneer ko tikka ko pasta ko ho ja..? Don’t be afraid it tastes really nice..?

 Courtesy.. Asiana hotel 


Feeling life is without a thrill… Please take a dive into the world of happiness…!:-)

Took this snap when i went for a small tour to my friend’s home town, These kinds of wells don’t have any wall around them.!


 Why do people run behind money and wealth all their life .And finally end up running behind the doctor just to have a good night sleep..

Instead of money and wealth why don’t they try running behind friends and beer(Sorry, I don’t have pic for this)…?


I’m afraid this page won’t load fast if I keep adding more pic.. So we shall end our tour here…:-) Hope you liked it.

Something I want to share here, It’s the small things we forget to enjoy  in life, have a look into your mobile and you would have found more small things to share than what I have posted here..:-)

If you have not found it yet, take your mobile out and start clicking..

Generous comments about my gallery are always welcomed..!


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  1. Nice pictures dude.. fond memories…

  2. First photo really cool one da……if you would hav taken it with a good cam then it would have been awesome

  3. Oye…………nice ones….u have done a good job here..please keep up the pace and nourish u blog!!!!!:-)

  4. Cool pictures da. Opening super. Middle one scary (well). Dont go to tat place again. (i am telling tis to save tat well.). Nice comments. Now i understand y u boycott office often. Ok…. Overall performance : super. Rating :5

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